Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chairil Anwar - Revolutionary Poet

Ayo ! Bung Karno kasi tangan mari kita bikin djandji
Aku sudah tjukup lama dengar atas apimu,

digarami oleh lautmu.

Dari mulai tgl 17 Agustus 1945

Aku melangkah kedepan berada rapat disisimu

Aku sekarang api,

aku sekarang lautBung Karno !

Kau dan aku satu zat, satu urat,

zatmu, di zatku, kapal2 kita berlajar

Di uratmu, di uratku, kapal2 kita bertolak & berlabuh

Come on! Bung Karno give hand let’s make a promise

I’ve heard discussed with you long enough
roasted over
You’re fire, salted by you’re sea
From the start on August 17, 1945
I stepped forward to be meeting your side
I’m now a fire, I’m now the sea
(Bung Karno! You and I are one substance, one strand
In your veins, in my veins, our ships and anchored opposite
In your substance, in my substance, our ships sailing.

Monday, May 2, 2011